Friday, May 14, 2010

Harle, Germany

Hello from Germany!  Stanley has arrived at the home of Marleen Regula.  Marleen is a friend of Manchester High School's 2010 foreign exchange student Judith Hochschorner.

The Regula family lives in the village of Harle.  In this photo of Stanley, we have a great view of the village and the green fields that surround it.

Where is Harle?  Harle is a small village about 30km
(20 miles) south of the city Kassel, near the center
of Germany.  The name "Harle"  comes from the old Germanic "har" which means -sharp, pointed-or pointed rock.  The village name probably stems from the pointed basalt rock which protrudes through the surface by about 12 meters.

The soil is very fertile so the history of Harle is rich in agriculture.  January of 1974 Harle became part of the nearby town of Wabern.

Here is a street scene in Harle looking southeast near the Schwalm River.

You can see the steeple of the Harler Kirche (church).

Below, see another view of the Kirche, and visit the angel at the Harle cemetery located just outside the village.

Stanley is visiting Germany during the Easter holiday. He enjoys looking for Easter eggs with his new friends Giulia and Anuthida.  The girls join Marleen and family dog Arthus for a walk up the mountain.

Before heading off on his next adventure, Stanley enjoys a typical German meal of smoked pork chops, mashed potatoes, and sauerkraut.

Stanley sagt auf wiedersehen zu seinen neuen Freunden und danke fur die tolle zeit in Deutschland.